Bank Information

Islami Bank IBBL Ashulia Branch

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Are you looking for Islami Bank (IBBL) Ashulia Branch Routing number, Swift Code, Address, Telephone number, Service hour, working days? In this article, we will provide all the information about Islami Bank (IBBL) Ashulia Branch. Physical address, routing number and other information is very important for transferring and receiving money through any bank in Bangladesh. If you are trying to transfer or receive money from or to Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) Ashulia Branch and you need detailed information, then this article is for you.

What is routing number?
– Routing Number defines the physical location of a branch of a bank, it also tells the bank from where to where any transaction should be made. To send money to specific branch of any bank in any country you must need the routing number of that branch.
What is swift code?
– Every bank has its own swift code, by which the bank is recognized internationally. If you try to send or receive money from or to abroad, you might have heard the word swift code. This is how international banking operates.
In this post we are providing you with the information needed to make any transaction from or to any branch of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL).

What would happen if you make mistake during typing your branch information?
– Transaction may not be completed if you make any error in typing routing number, bank name, or swift code. In worst case scenario, you can lose money by transferring money to wrong bank/branch/person. To prevent these inconveniences, please fill in the branch information correctly before you proceed with any bank transaction.

Branch Information

Bank NameIslami Bank Limited Bangladesh (IBBL)
Branch NameAshulia Branch
Routing NumberN/A
AddressGias Tower Shopping Complex, Anwar Jong Sarok, Union: Ashulia, P.S.-Ashulia, District-Dhaka.
Telephone NumberN/A
Mobile Number01713346630
Service Hours10:00AM – 4:00PM
Working DaysSunday – Thursday (Except Govt. Holidays)

About Islami Bank Limited Bangladesh (IBBL)

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is a Joint Venture Public Limited Company engaged in commercial banking business based on Islamic Shari’ah with 63.09% foreign shareholding having largest branch network ( total 374 Branches, 187 Sub-Branches and 2292 Agent Outlets) among the private sector Banks in Bangladesh. It was established on the 13th March 1983 as the first Islamic Bank in the South East Asia.

It is listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. and Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. Authorized Capital of the Bank is Tk. 20,000.00 million and Paid-up Capital is Tk. 16,099.91 million having 33,686 shareholders as on 31st December 2019.

Mission of Islami Bank

To establish Islamic Banking through the introduction of a welfare-oriented banking system and also ensure equity and justice in the field of all economic activities, achieve balanced growth and equitable development in through diversified investment operations particularly in the priority sectors and least developed areas of the country. To encourage socio-economic upliftment and financial services to the loss-income community particularly in the rural areas.

Vision of Islami Bank

Vision of Islami Bank Limited Bangladesh is to always strive to achieve superior financial performance, be considered a leading Islamic Bank by reputation and performance.

All information provided above is collected from official website/source of Islami Bank Limited Bangladesh. Some information e.g., Working hours may vary due to current situation. FindDhaka is not responsible for any mismatch of information in such events.
If you need information about other branches of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited or information about any branch of any other banks, you can find that information in FindDhaka.

  • Islami Bank Ashulia Branch Routing Number
  • Islami Bank Ashulia Branch Address
  • Islami Bank Ashulia Branch Phone Number
  • Islami Bank Ashulia Branch Swift Code
  • Islami Bank Ashulia Branch Working Days
  • Islami Bank Ashulia Branch Service Hours
  • Islami Bank Branch List

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